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Let the kids invite all their friends to an all out battle royal where they will get to shoot it out among friends and family, play thrilling hosted nerf games, brush up on their aiming skills, then head on to the battle field zone where they have to duck, dive and avoid getting shot as they battle for supremacy. This is a high adrenaline party package and it take no prisoners! 


The party is made up of 2 x 45 minute gaming & challenges and a 30 min disco for dancing, break and cutting & photo taking (During food break party music will be played and prep for next batch of games & activities). 


I start with the safety talk and then explain the game rules, then it's on to the training range to practice shooting and getting use to loading & using the guns. It's then game time with 5-6 hosted games spread out over the 2 hour party time slot. The last 10-15 minutes will be "all out war" time.... Kids vs Adults.

Nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
nerf party glasgow
Nerf party glasgow
nerf party glasgow
mega nerf9
nerf party glasgow
mega nerf7
mega nerf10
mega nerf 1
Nerf party glasgow
nerf party glasgow

Capture the Flag

Two flag sites are set up on opposite side of the room.


Everybody is told where the flags are located and the flags cannot ber removed or hidden by the team ythat is guarding it.


The players must retrieve the other team's flag and bring it back to their own base without being shot.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


Civil War

Each team lines up shoulder to shoulder, at opposite ends of the playing area. Each Team will then simultaneously take one shot, each at the other team on the command of the word "FIRE"


Players, who are hit then step out of the line and make there way to the quarantine area.


We repeat this until one team is eliminated.



One team starts off with our bomb.


The team with the bomb then has to make their way to the opposing team's base. The defending team must protect a specified location from the advancing team. The game ends when either side is eliminated, or the bomb reaches the destination.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


The President

We start by picking a President for each team.


Everybody is then told who the President is for each team (the one wearing the mask). The main objective is to eliminate the opposing teams President while still taking out anybody who gets in the way. If you are shot, you are out of the game, the game ends when one of the Presidents has been shot.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


The Bomb

There is a bomb located in the middle of the playing area.


Both sides must try to obtain the bomb and reach the opposing team's base. When the bomb carrier is shot he/she must leave the bomb in that position and either team can then obtain it and advance it to the opposing team's base.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


Speed Nerf

Speed Nerf is a very simple game. Once the teams are set they must enter the playing area, and once the game begins the teams attack each other.


The objective of the game is to be the last team on the playing area. There is always a time limit, and if the limit runs out and there is more then one team left then it becomes a draw.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


Snatch & Grab

One team starts off with our "TOP SECRET BOX" and two security guards.


The other team must eliminate the two security guards and then retrieve the box and place it on the mark in their base station. If the box is touched before the guards are eliminated then the attacking team lose. If you are shot with the box place it on the floor and make your way to the quarantine area.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


The Predator

The Predators are all given a glove which must be worn on the right hand. The other team know as the hunters still have there Nerf Guns. To eliminate a hunter the predator must touch them with the gloved hand the hunter can still shoot the Predator, once you're either shot or touched you are dead. 


The game ends when either the time runs out or one team is totally eliminated.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


Attack the Fort

Attack the fort is another simple, yet fun game.


The idea of it is very simple. Both teams take to the playing area one defending the fort and the other attacking. The objective is simple the attacking team need to place the bombs on to the marks while the defending team try to stop them. The defending team are not allowed out of the fort area, the attacking team have a free run and can go anywhere in the playing area.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.


Seek and Disarm

One team start off by guarding the armed bomb.


The objective of this game is for the attacking team to seek out and disarm the bomb by pressing the bomb before the time runs out. The defending team are not allowed to touch the bomb.


Eliminations are simple, once you have been hit; make your way to the quarantine area.

3: The Final Battle

Adult Vs Children

This is the perfect Grand Finale activity when the parents come to collect their children at the end of the party. The children vs the adults in a combat activity and any person hit by a bullet must remove themselves from the game as part of the elimination activity. Safety Glasses to be worn at all times!.PS - the Children love this activity so much they won't want to leave your party!


What Type Of Hall Required?

I would say a medium sized room would be perfect. One when the kids can run about in no problem. It will take about 30 mins to setup & take away so please book 30 mins each way on top for your 2 hr party. 


Safety goggles must be worn by all players at all times while they are in the battle zone area. There are game rules that all players must adhere too. Any person that gets agitated or can't control their actions will be asked to step into the "chill zone" for a time out.

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